Political, Foreign and National Affairs
Texas A&M Lecture Series To Feature Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron
by jarrexi
The MSC Wiley Lecture Series is hosting Cameron on April 1 for a discussion of world affairs.
By Brandon Wheeler Irizarry, MSC Wiley Lecture Series
The MSC Wiley Lecture Series at Texas A&M University will present “A Conversation with David Cameron,” featuring the former United Kingdom Prime Minister for a discussion of world affairs moderated by Mara Liasson, a Fox News political analyst and NPR national correspondent.

The event will be Friday, April 1 at 7 p.m. on the Texas A&M campus.
Cameron will discuss the state of the UK’s alliance with the United States, as well as current foreign policy challenges and geopolitical crises facing both nations.
Madison Baugh, chair of the MSC Wiley Lecture Series, said events and speakers of this nature can enhance the Aggie experience and bring together different schools of thought.
“I believe this program will shed valuable insight on the pressing issues facing the world today and give students a unique opportunity to meet an important world leader,” Baugh said. “We want this program to serve as a way to bring the campus community together and to help educate Aggies about the state of international affairs. We are truly honored to bring these guests to a discussion about such a vital and important alliance.”
She said the purpose of the MSC Wiley Lecture Series is to broaden the educational experiences of the Texas A&M community.
“Since our first program in 1983, the MSC Wiley Lecture Series has endeavored to present thought-provoking programming on foreign policy issues to the Texas A&M community,” Baugh said.
Tickets are available for purchase at the MSC Box Office at $20 for non-students and $12 for Texas A&M students. Tickets can be purchased online at boxoffice.tamu.edu or by calling 979-845-1234. The location of the event will be specified on the ticket.
Media Contact: Jamie Arrexi, 979-845-1515, [email protected]
67th MSC SCONA challenged delegates to focus on the evolving state of our national security efforts
by jarrexi
The MSC recently hosted “Fortifying the Foundation: Strategies for Safeguarding American National Security,” as the 67th MSC Student Conference On National Affairs. The focus of the conference addressed the many challenges facing America today, both at home and abroad, through the development of innovative policy solutions.
The Feb. 10-12 conference hosted 115 delegates participating in 13 roundtable discussions. Delegates from the Texas A&M community were placed with delegates from around the nation, then paired with an expert facilitator to analyze national security issues ranging from improving U.S. relations abroad to the implications of artificial intelligence. Roundtable discussions resulted in the production of a relevant policy paper coupled with a presentation of what policy paper each roundtable created.
“Over the course of the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to dive into issues currently threatening our national security and assess our ability to combat them,” said Sophia Stone ’23, MSC SCONA chair. “They were able to take the time to learn from speakers, facilitators, or other delegates. Our goal for this conference is for delegates from around the United States to think critically about the issues at hand and consider the perspectives and experiences of those around them."
In collaboration with the U.S. Army War College, MSC SCONA hosts the International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise (ISCNE) as a pre-conference event. The ISCNE is an annual simulation of a transnational diplomatic crisis in which students roleplay delegations from different countries to negotiate toward a solution over an intense two-day period. This year’s scenario was a diplomatic simulation of the arctic region with the following countries participating: the United States, Russia, China, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Canada.
The conference featured the following keynote speakers:
- Admiral William R. McRaven, USN, Ret. Ninth Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command
- General David H. Berger, USMC 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps
- Lieutenant General S. Clinton Hinote, USAF, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy, Integration, and Requirements
- Major General David C. Hill, Major General David (Dave) C. Hill serves as the 53rd Commandant of the U.S. Army War College
“MSC SCONA’s aim is to provide our delegate a unique experience with some of the nation’s top military minds, military leaders and academic scholars,” Stone said. MSC SCONA 67 concluded with remarks from Major General David C. Hill.
MSC Awards 2020
by jarrexi
Each year the MSC Awards give us an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the many accomplishments of our student leaders and programs. We celebrate the growth of our students as well as the influence of our diverse programs and services that impact our campus and community.
- Luke J. Altendorf, director of the MSC
Watch the 2020 MSC Awards
MSC Co-Program of the Year
2020 Afro-Latinx Festival
MSC First-Year Involvement Award
Marissa Amar, Jackson Ames, Kazybek Atausha, Liam Burhans, Raegan Cantu, Dalton Demartini, Neha Deshmukh, Aaron Escoto, Emily Havens, Andrew Hindman, Cameron Hoholik-Carlson, Brian Huang, Emily Hudson, Josh Johnson, Brandon Le, Magnolia LInd, Jesse Long, Lily Mazzocchi, Luis Miner, Emilio Morales Cortazar, Hannah Neighbors, Hunter Oakes, Barbara Reyes, Laura Riveria, Eliana Rodriguez, Devon Roeming, Caley Teague, Juan "JJ" Torres, Victoria Van, Spencer Wheeler, Annie Wipke
MSC Team of the Year
45th MSC CAMAC Executive Team
Lawrence Sullivan Ross Award
Jennifer Santos
MSC Student Employee of the Year
Jenna VerColen
J. Wayne Stark
Outstanding Leadership Award
Ana Barbosa, Delaney Couri, Cole Heath, Stanzi Rowe, Javier Santana, Marlies Westernmann
Harold W. Gaines
Excellent Service Award
Casey Black, Angelica Frazer, Laura Key, Zachary Summers
MSC Outstanding New Program
The Service FLOdown
MSC Director's Award
Kristen Blanke, Nick Hernandez, Kayla Hood, Laura Key, McKinsey Meeker, Kimberly Morrison, Liam Norris, Hannah Olpinski, Alexandra Schroeder, McKenzie Starnes
MSC Diversity Program of the Year
James R. Reynold Award
Mark Sterling
MSC Outstanding
Community Outreach Award
Angel Tree
MSC Outstanding Leadership Development Program Award
65th MSC Student Conference On National Affairs
MSC President's Award
Sam Dixon, Saul Dominguez, Jennifer Egan, Alec Esqueda, Zach Griffin, Cole Guidry, Kal Jordan-DeBruin, Nathan Kinninger, Jack Oldham, Mark Sterling
Luke J. Altendorf
Leadership Award
Gabriella Webster
MSC Committee Chair of the Year
Saul Dominguez
MSC Committee of the Year
MSC Freshman In Service and Hosting
MSC Program of the Year
Why Diplomacy Matters
Thomas H. Rountree Award
Oriana Koot and Joella Bitter Leon