Associate Professor, Program Director,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
What was your involvement in the MSC?
MSC Wiley Lecture Series, MSC OPAS and MSC Town Hall.
What does a day in your life look like currently?
My days are variable. Some days I get up, put on my scrubs and go see critically ill patients in the ICU (some days I am on the Covid-19 team, some days I am seeing the non-Covid ICU patients). Some days I seem to be sitting in front of my computer all day on webex meetings, and other days I am teaching medical students, residents or fellows (trainees in subspecialty programs), virtually lately. When I am working in the ICU, they are long hard days, both physically and emotionally exhausting, but so rewarding as I have seen the power of all of us coming together to help a very sick group of patients. On the days I am home in meetings, I am also trying to keep my 2nd/6th/and 9th graders doing their work, as the temptation to play FortNite or Minecraft is strong. It's never dull.
The MSC helps build leaders by providing opportunities to improve skills such as critical thinking, active listening, giving and receiving feedback, and others. What skills did you gain in your involvement with the MSC and how did your time as a student leader prepare you for your role during this challenging and unforeseen time?
In addition to what you stated, organization--both of time and function, people skills and manners. Oh my goodness--people skills.
If you were to return to your time in the MSC, what skills would you personally focus on strengthening, especially in your current situation?
Time management. Learning how to prioritize time for yourself as well as sleep--how to be involved, active, but not forget about taking care of yourself.
The MSC core values are Respect, Excellence, Leadership, Loyalty, Integrity, Service and Diversity. What core value best describes the work you do today?
What is one of your favorite memories from being involved in the MSC?
I have so many. My time in the MSC Wiley Lecture Series was incredibly formative--I remember the people so well (how many hours did I spend in Deryle Richmond's office??), setting up schedules and riding in the 4-seater plane with Ed Bradley, talking to Nikolai Shishlin on the phone, seeing the final program come together on stage. But other great memories of getting Garth Brooks's autograph in my boot, watching Bolshoi Ballet do Swan Lake, walking to the MSC from my dorm, knowing there was to be another fun project to tackle.
What else would you like to share about the MSC?
Being involved with the MSC student programs office changed my life. The community there was another family for me but also broadened my horizons and taught this small west Texas girl that there's a big ol' world out there with amazing people.