The Memorial Student Center at Texas A&M is home to four art galleries: the J. Wayne Stark Gallery, the Forsyth Gallery, the Reynolds Gallery, and the L.T. Jordan Institute. The Reynolds Gallery is managed by students themselves, who are members of the MSC Visual Arts Committee. MSC VAC’s mission is to engage the Texas A&M community in the visual arts through programs including gallery exhibitions, lectures, residencies, competitions, workshops, and other visual arts programs.
One of MSC VAC’s exhibits each year is called “Artfest.” Artfest gives students across Texas A&M’s campus the opportunity for their artwork to be on display within the MSC’s Reynolds Gallery. Running during the spring semester of each year, Artfest features various forms of art, including paintings, photographs, drawings and more.
“We really just wanted something fun and vibrant to show people that this is where they put their art for a bit,” said Archer Morrow ‘23, graphics director for the MSC Visual Arts Committee. “Artfest is genuinely whatever students bring in, so we wanted to cast as wide a net as possible.”
Morrow joined VAC to “connect with art lovers and share art with the rest of campus.” The Reynolds Gallery allows them and other MSC VAC to curate exhibits that find innovative ways to bring messages to the student body and convey the voice of the Texas A&M community.
“Students brought in some technically well-done and vibrant pieces,” Morrow said about Artfest 2023. The mixed-media display in MSC VAC’s Reynolds Gallery allows all current students the chance to showcase their artwork of any form. Artists give instructions for how their work should be displayed while MSC VAC manages the installation and storage. When describing their goals for Artfest 2023, Morrow highlighted the past success of Artfest 2022 and emphasized new methods to bring people back to galleries to appreciate creativity. “We are so dependent on reception from students, so we utilized a lot of digital displays. We ended up being able to fill up the gallery.”
Artfest 2023 was displayed in the Reynolds Gallery from March 1 - April 29, but Morrow will take his experiences from MSC VAC far beyond his time in the MSC. “Running a full gallery is a really unique experience. We learned a lot of coordination when bringing in art from all over the country.” After graduating this May, Morrow plans to pursue a Master’s degree in urban planning, where he seeks to continue creating and promoting artwork. “I’m looking to join museum organizations. It’s important to me that I find an environment similar to MSC VAC.”